U.S. Water Ski Show Team In the News
CBS Early Show Feature
We were delighted to have the CBS Early Show with us this week! They produced a wonderful feature on our team and the town of Scotia. Check it out here!
Photos: U.S. Water Ski Show Team
Members of the U.S. Water Ski Show Team perform stunts on the Mohawk River on Tuesday just behind Jumpin' Jack's Drive-In in Scotia.
Scotia is hot and cool! Tonight at 6:15 the CBS Early Show will be in Scotia at Jumpin Jacks to shoot video of the U.S. Waterski Show Team as they perform their weekly free (Tuesday night) show.
U.S. Water Ski Show Team: Nikki Weakley Interview
Nikki Weakley would almost always rather be water skiing. The 25-year-old corporate communications rep for GE put on her first pair of water skis at age four and joined the U.S. Water Ski Show Team at the ripe old age of seven.
Athletes With a Rope to Hold, and Water to Stand On
SCOTIA, N.Y. — It was almost showtime along the banks of the Mohawk River. Young women in grass skirts and hot pink spandex braided one another’s hair. Men cinched black hats beneath their chins. The show’s director implored: “Big smiles!”
Ski team helping novices put their best feet forward
A three-session clinic hosted by Scotia’s own U.S. Water Ski Show Team was open Saturday to anyone who knew how to swim.